27 April 2018

27 Abril 1988

I was very upset today because Mr. Quevedo called out of the blue and said tomorrow at 6 p.m. I'd be moving to another host family.  Originally I was going to stay at the Martin's, an older couple who are friends with the Araujo's but Mrs. Martin was ill and spending a lot of time going to doctors in Sao Paulo.  I was very upset about the sudden move and when my mom got back from the grocery store I told her.

Fiquei muito chateado hoje porque o Sr. Quevedo ligou do nada e disse que amanhã às 18h eu estaria mudando para outra família anfitriã. Originalmente eu ia ficar no Martin's, um casal mais velho que é amigo do Araújo, mas a Sra. Martin estava doente e passou muito tempo indo a médicos em São Paulo. Fiquei muito chateado com a mudança repentina e quando minha mãe voltou da mercearia eu disse a ela.

She went into Mama Bear mode and said IF I moved it wouldn't be tomorrow, it would be after Mother's Day.  Then she called the Rotary president and tried to work things out.

Ela entrou no modo Mama Bear e disse que se eu mudasse, não seria amanhã, seria depois do Dia das Mães. Depois ligou para o presidente do Rotary e tentou resolver as coisas.

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